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Tag: .67 repeater

Meeting: July 9, 2024

Meeting: July 9, 2024

1900 Meeting Called to order

* RCKARA Hamfest August 10th
* Wichita Hamfest, Oct. 5th
* Kansas QSO Party Sign-up sheet distributed
Minutes, Reports
June minutes read, Motion Jake/John Passed
Treasurer’s report read, Motion Phil/Larry passed
The .67 repeater may be failing due to heat exhaustion, will need to verify if it is having issues.
Hamfest Committee
We should have a total of 28 tables available. We will have at least three vendors. About 8 tables will be reserved for vendors. Cash only. Will need to provide water and ice, coffee? (NOTE: In a follow-up e-mail to Jerry, Zack, WØZC, notes there are drinking fountains in the HCC Fire Science Building. — Editor.) Friday afternoon setup; the guard will open up for us before 5 p.m. Saturday we will open up around 7:15 a.m. Not sure about VE’s.
* July 16: NØUNI
* July 23: KBØSQL
* July 30: KAØNES
* Aug. 6: ACØMO
Mark won again. I think this raffle may be a bit crooked. He donated the $7 proceeds to the club.

1940 Meeting adjourned

— Jerome Kahn, ACØRL, secretary

We need ops for the QSO party. Please look at the sign-up sheet and let me know what time slots you can commit to.
