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Minutes: November 12, 2024

Minutes: November 12, 2024

1900 Called to (dis)order

Guest: John Brady, NØBJJ.
* Jerry will have a three-element beam, rotor, and tower available early next year for free.
* Red Cross will be holding a CPR and First Aid class early in 2025. The cost is $25 for each class or $45 for both. CERT members’ fees will be paid by Reno County Emergency Management.
* October minutes read. Scott/Joe motion, passed.
* Treasurer’s report. John/Scott motion, passed.
* A question was brought to the president from a former member as to why we charged for admission at the hamfest. We have to pay over $200 for event insurance. We have to provide a door prize. We have to be frugal; we have money in the bank, but we must be able to replace any of the repeater equipment, radios, tower, antenna, heliax, duplexer, etc. We fund Little River school ham class.
* Repeater Trustee report and DMR discussion: infrastructure, power, tower, antenna, heliax, duplexer, Internet access, repeater.
Old Business
* Christmas Party will be at 6 p.m. December 10 in the Rice Park Community Building. Bring a side dish. No fees, except for KAØNES. 😊
* 20V-2 Article Part 1 published in the Signal Magazine. Mentioned were Scott, NØFXG; Charles, KBØSQL; Mark, KFØBZM. Scott took the world-wide publicity with his usual humble attitude; we should hereafter refer to him as Sir Sherraden. (Editor’s note: Knights are referred to by their first name, so it would actually be Sir Scott.)
New Business
Elections for 2025 officers. Motion was made to stick with current slate. Joe/John motion, passed.
* Nov. 19: NØFXG
* Nov. 26: KAØNES
* Dec. 3: ACØRL
* Dec. 17: KAØNES
* Dec. 31: NØUNI
* Jan. 7: ACØMO
NØFXG Sir Scott won and donated back to us lowly peasants $9.

2015 Meeting adjourned. Joe/Todd motion, passed.

Minutes: November 14, 2023

Minutes: November 14, 2023

1700 Meeting called to order

Introductions of guests
Kyle, Kyler, and Keith Seck were present. Kyler is expressing interest in amateur radio.

Last month’s minutes read: motion by Phil and Bob, passed.
Treasurer’s report: motion by Zack and Joe, passed.
Repeater trustee reports all nominal.

Old Business
* Bob and Zack moved we form a hamfest committee for our August 10, 2024, hamfest. Motion carried. Bob and Zack are initial members of the committee.
* Christmas Party
The party will be at 6:30 p.m. December 12, at 44 Swarens, Rice Park. Members bring a pot-luck side dish or dessert. Carriage Crossing will provide meat and potatoes.

New business
* Current slate of officers for 2024 remain unchanged, again:
President: Charles
VP: Mark
Secy/Treas: Jerome
* Tuesday morning coffee venue change
We will be meeting at the Daybreak Café, 209 N. Walnut St., in the Amtrak train station. It opens at 6:30 a.m. We typically meet around 8 a.m. Of course, there are those of us that meet a little earlier, like 7ish. We typically leave around 9 a.m.

NCS Stations
* 11/21 WØZC
* 11/28 KAØNES
* 12/5 ACØMO

Kyler brought some boat anchors that he purchased for show and tell.

19:58 Meeting adjourned.

Minutes: November 11, 2020

Minutes: November 11, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 1900


Butler County ARES meets at 2100 Thursdays on the KanOkla repeater system.

It was determined that a quorum was present. Minutes were read and accepted.

No treasurer’s report, no financial activity.

Repeater Trustee, no issues reported

Old Business

We have decided upon Hog Wild to provide the food. We will order enough for 16. Motion made and carried to authorize $200 for the party expenses.

The Christmas party will commence at 7 PM December 8th.

If you have not responded to the invitations sent out over the last couple of months, there may not be enough food to cover unanticipated arrivals.

New Business:

Club dues for 2021 will remain the same as in 2020.

Slate of officers up for election to serve 2021:

• Pres: Charles Tucker
• VP: John O’Connor
• Secy/Treas: Jerry Kahn

The above slate was voted on and passed in its entirety.


11/17 Phil Muth
11/24 John O’Connor
12/1 Charles Tucker


Nate presented a power point on hail. Those that were in attendance now have the equivalent of a master’s degree in hailology. 🙂 It was a very interesting and informative presentation. Thank you, Professor Nate.

Meeting adjourned at 2000.

Minutes: November 12, 2019

Minutes: November 12, 2019

We had a very productive meeting Tuesday night at the Mennonite Manor.

The meeting was called to order by President Charles Tucker, KBØSQL, at 1900 local.

· Christmas party will be held on December 10th at 1830 local at Anchor Inn, located at B and Main.
· Gina Long enjoyed an appendectomy on November 11th. She is at home resting.

October minutes were read
Treasurer’s report was presented. The club is on sound financial ground with a total of $3867.51 banked.
Repeater trustee reported no known issues with the repeaters.

Old Business:


New Business:
· Club elected to get Gina a bottle of Fireball instead of cards or flowers.
· Nominations and Elections for 2020 were held:

* Vice President – John O’Connor
* Secretary/Treasurer – Jerry Kahn
* President – Charles Tucker

· Club elected to donate $250 to the Kansas DMR group in appreciation of the installation of a very nice DMR repeater in Hutchinson.
· Kansas DMR group will be holding some training and Q&A early next year, TBA.
· W0WR/R (147.120+) Net Control Stations:

* Nov 19, KØSFV
* Nov 26, KBØSQL
* Dec 3, KAØIIU

Presentation by John O’Connor about WA9EXS and his association with the World War II submarine exhibit of USS Cobia. Something to Google!

Meeting was adjourned at 2000.