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Minutes: November 12, 2024

Minutes: November 12, 2024

1900 Called to (dis)order

Guest: John Brady, NØBJJ.
* Jerry will have a three-element beam, rotor, and tower available early next year for free.
* Red Cross will be holding a CPR and First Aid class early in 2025. The cost is $25 for each class or $45 for both. CERT members’ fees will be paid by Reno County Emergency Management.
* October minutes read. Scott/Joe motion, passed.
* Treasurer’s report. John/Scott motion, passed.
* A question was brought to the president from a former member as to why we charged for admission at the hamfest. We have to pay over $200 for event insurance. We have to provide a door prize. We have to be frugal; we have money in the bank, but we must be able to replace any of the repeater equipment, radios, tower, antenna, heliax, duplexer, etc. We fund Little River school ham class.
* Repeater Trustee report and DMR discussion: infrastructure, power, tower, antenna, heliax, duplexer, Internet access, repeater.
Old Business
* Christmas Party will be at 6 p.m. December 10 in the Rice Park Community Building. Bring a side dish. No fees, except for KAØNES. 😊
* 20V-2 Article Part 1 published in the Signal Magazine. Mentioned were Scott, NØFXG; Charles, KBØSQL; Mark, KFØBZM. Scott took the world-wide publicity with his usual humble attitude; we should hereafter refer to him as Sir Sherraden. (Editor’s note: Knights are referred to by their first name, so it would actually be Sir Scott.)
New Business
Elections for 2025 officers. Motion was made to stick with current slate. Joe/John motion, passed.
* Nov. 19: NØFXG
* Nov. 26: KAØNES
* Dec. 3: ACØRL
* Dec. 17: KAØNES
* Dec. 31: NØUNI
* Jan. 7: ACØMO
NØFXG Sir Scott won and donated back to us lowly peasants $9.

2015 Meeting adjourned. Joe/Todd motion, passed.