Minutes: September 12, 2023

Minutes: September 12, 2023

19:02 Meeting called to order

* KAØNES’s brother passed away in Wisconsin.
* EOC wants to do a test of our capabilities to communicate during a trunking system failure. They are requesting 14+ local hams using HTs or mobiles position themselves throughout the county at predetermined locations, fire stations most likely. We are giving everyone a heads-up because we will need to have the folks available. We’ll let everyone know when the test is scheduled.

August Minutes read and accepted, Phil/Clint
Treasures report read and accepted, Joe/Larry
Repeater trustee reports all WØWR repeaters nominal.

Old Business
* KS QSO Party WØL
Thanks to all of the participants who made it a huge success. We really put WØWR on the state map as an active club that can get things done!
* Band-pass Filters
New shipping date of Feb 7, 2024, just in time for Field Day
* Club funds
We discussed taking a portion of the club funds and putting them into a high yield CD. We will choose a term and yield to maximize return. Motion to spend $5,000 for the CD by Larry/Roger was passed.
* Hamfest review
We spent a total of $363.08 between food and door prizes. We deposited $105 for refreshments and $327 for raffle and donations for a total of $432. We profited $7.97 from refreshments. We profited $60.95 from raffle and donations. The total gain was $68.92, which is not an outstanding financial gain, but we are gaining a reputation for holding a great hamfest.
Some of the takeaways:

  • We had a lot of food leftover.
  • Food did not generate revenues, either lower costs or charge more next year.
  • Need more door prizes, require vendors to provide a door prize, donations from other sources.
  • Stick to a schedule of what will be raffled and when.

The next hamfest will be August 10, 2024.

New business
* Motion to purchase a second antenna and required feed line by Clint/Joe, passed. It will be an Alpha Delta DXCC type, 120 feet RG8X. We will purchase is from the Derby Radio Shack, and we set a $350 budget.
* Armory cookies
To remain in their good graces, we should continue to give them cookies on occasion. No oatmeal raisin.
* Christmas Party
This will be at 6:30 p.m., December 12, at Rice Park. We will use Carriage Crossing to provide cooked meats. We will be charging a per-plate fee which will be determined by per-plate costs from Carriage Crossing. If a member brings a side dish or dessert, they will pay half price; if a member does not bring a side dish, they will pay the entire fee.
* DMR repeater
This repeater was struck by lightning a while back, and it needs some parts replaced. We have a good number of users on that repeater as it supports DMR, Fusion, and AP25. Motion to spend $150 to reimburse expenses on the DMR repeater repair by Mark/Clint. Passed
* ARRL membership renewal via the club
Have to ask Ron Cowan

9-19 ACØMO

20:23 Meeting Adjourned

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